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Events and Activities

Disco Ball
Selling Concessions at the Spring HOCO Dance on February 21st

If you signed up to bring a baked good item, don't forget to bring your items in to Mrs. G's room Friday morning.

The shift sign-up sheet has been posted to google classroom. Please don't miss your shift that YOU signed up for!

Attending a Collegiate Rehearsal and Production

We have been invited to attend a rehearsal at ECC for their upcoming production of "The Lightning Thief - The Percy Jackson Musical" on Tuesday, February 11th. The bus will leave OHS at 5:30 and we will leave ECC at 8:30 to head back home.

Additionally, we have also been invited to attend a matinee of this performance on Friday, February 21st during the school day. Tickets are $5 for students.

Movie Night

When: Friday, February 7th at 6

The movie is beginning promptly at 6.

There are only 24 spots (there will eventually be a sign up sheet on google classroom)

You will get to vote on which movie to watch prior to this date.

Popcorn will be provided. You may bring other snacks.

You may also bring a beverage, BUT this drink MUST BE IN A SEALED, UNOPENED CONTAINER. You may NOT open it until you are in this classroom. If you come with a drink that is not  in a sealed container, you will be asked to leave.

Thespian Induction Ceremony

We will have our Thespian Induction and Awards Ceremony on Wednesday, April 16th at 6 in the evening in the small gym.

This is also when and where we will announce the officers for next school year!

Make sure you plan on attending as several awards will be handed out this evening!

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